Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is Indonesia (part 2)

about indonesia

Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, every ethnic heritage that has evolved over the centuries, influenced by Indian culture, Arabic, Chinese, European, and including his own, namely the Malay culture.

shadow puppet
wayang kulit

Examples of traditional Javanese and Balinese dances have a cultural aspect and Hindu mythology, such as shadow puppets ( wayang kulit ) featuring the stories of Ramayana and Hindu mythological events Baratayuda. Many dance that contains the values ​​of Islam. Some of them can be found in areas such as Sumatra like dance Ratéb Meuseukat and dance Seudati of Aceh. The art of verse, couplets, and so on from various regions such as the Malay quatrain, and other rhymes more often used in certain occasions the event, performing arts, and others.

traditional songket
songket clothes

In the field of fashion heritage is known throughout the world of batik. Some of the area known for its industry batik like Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pekalongan. Batik was also claimed by other countries with batik industry. The original dress Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke other identifiable characteristics of the subject in every other area between the brackets with clothes songket of West Sumatra (Minangkabau), North Sumatera ulos fabric (Batak), kebaya dress, fashion typical Dayak in Kalimantan, clothes bodo from South Sulawesi, clothing koteka of Papua and so on.

madura island
karapan sapi

Traditional sports include sepak takraw and karapan sapi in Madura island. In regions with a history of tribal warfare, fighting contests are held, such as cacidi Flores, Sumba and Pasola. Pencak silat is a unique martial art originating from the territory of Indonesia. This martial art is sometimes displayed at events that are usually followed by performances of traditional music of Indonesia gamelan music and other traditional arts according to region of origin

traditional music

Every province in Indonesia has traditional music with its own trademark. Traditional music as well keroncong originating from Portuguese descent in the Monument, Jakartawhich is known by all the people of Indonesia even to foreign countries. There is also a popular music in Indonesia, known as dangdut is the music wing of modern Malay-influenced by Indian music dangdut music that is very different from the actual Malay traditional music, like music Deli Malay, Malay, and so forth. Traditional musical instrument which is typical of Indonesia has many varieties from various regions in Indonesia, but many traditional musical instruments from Indonesia 'stolen' by other countries for the benefit of the addition of culture and art of music it self by copyright patenting art and culture of Indonesia. Indonesian traditional musical instruments include the following:

mammals indonesia

Indonesia region has a high diversity of living things, so by some of the areas of ecology Indonesia called the "Mega biodiversity" or "high diversity of living things" commonly known as Indomalaya or Malesia according to a study that 10 percent of plants, 12 percent of mammals, 16 percent of reptiles, 17 percent of birds, 25 percent of the fish in the world live in Indonesia, but widespread Indonesia only 1.3% of the Earth. Wealth of living Indonesia ranks third after Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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