Thursday, August 16, 2012

This is Proud Indonesia in the World


1.Republik Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state
consisting of 17 504 islands (including 9634 islands yet to be named and 6,000 uninhabited islands). Here are three of the six largest island in the world, namely: Borneo (the third largest island in the world with 539 460 km2 area), Gauteng (473 606 km2) and Papua (421 981 km2)

2. Indonesia is the largest maritime country in the world
the waters covering an area of ​​93 thousand km2 and the length of beach about 81 thousand km2, or almost 25% of the length of the beach in the world.

3. Java is the most populous island in the world where nearly 60% of Indonesia's population (about 130 jt people) live on the island which covers only 7% of the entire territory of Indonesia.
* Indonesia is a country with the largest ethnic group in the world. There are over 740 tribes / ethnic groups, where in Papua alone there were 270 tribes.

4. Countries with the largest regional languages,
namely, 583 languages ​​and dialects of the 67 main languages ​​used by various tribes in Indonesia. National language is Indonesian, although the local language with the largest number of users in Indonesia is the Javanese language.

5. Buddhist monuments (temples) in the world
is the temple of Borobudur in Central Java with a height of 42 meters (10 levels) and the length of relief more than 1 km. Estimated to be over 40 years by a dynasty dynasty in the ancient Mataram kingdom (750-850).

6. Where the discovery of the world's oldest hominid,
namely: Pithecanthropus Erectus expected from 1.8 million years ago.

7.Republik Indonesia is the country's first born after World War II in 1945. RI is the 70 oldest countries in the world.

8.Indonesia is the first country (so far the only one) that ever came out of the United Nations (UN)
date on January 7, 1965. RI rejoin the United Nations in 1966.

9.Tim Indonesian badminton is a symbol of supremacy ever won badminton men, Thomas Cup, which is about 13 x (the first time last yr 1958 & 2002).

10. Indonesia is a producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the world
(20% of world supply) is also the second largest tin producer.

11. Indonesia was ranked first in agricultural products,
namely: cloves (cloves) and nutmeg (nutmeg), and no.2 in natural rubber (natural rubber) and crude palm oil (Crude Palm Oil).

12. Indonesia is the largest exporter of plywood
(Plywood), which is about 80% in world markets.

13. Coral Reefs (Coral Reef) Indonesia is the richest (18% of world total).

14. Indonesia has the world's largest species of shark that is 150 species.

15. Biodiversity Orchid terbeser world:
Six thousand species of orchids, ranging from the largest (or Grammatophyllum speciosum Tiger Orchid) to the smallest (Taeniophyllum, that no leaves), including the rare Black Orchid and found only in Papua.

16. Has the world's largest mangrove forest.
This plant is useful ntuk prevent sea erosion / abrasion.

17. Ancient animal is still alive
Komodo dragons are found only on Komodo Island, NTT is the world's largest lizard. It can reaches 3 meters in length and weighs 90 kg.

18. Rafflesia Arnoldi is grown in Sumatra is the world's largest flower.
When the flowers bloom, reaching 1 meter in diameter.

19. Has the smallest primate in the world
Pygmy Tarsier (Tarsius pumilus) or also known as the Mountain Tarsier only 10 cm in length. Monkey-like animal that lives on trees and are located in Sulawesi.

20. Where the discovery of the world's longest snake
namely, Python Reticulates up to 10 meters in Sulawesi.

21.Fish world's smallest
found recently in the muddy swamps of Sumatra. 7.9 mm long when mature more or less by mosquitoes. Many's the advantage? how to cultivate and nurture lives that must be supported with great confidence to use our own products
READ MORE - This is Proud Indonesia in the World

Empire That Ever Existed in Indonesia

the temple of indonesia

Hinduism and Buddhism came from India. Both religions are entered and embraced by residents in different areas of the archipelago at the same time, around the fourth century, together with the beginnings of trade relations between Indonesia and India and China. Before the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism in Indonesia, Indonesia's population is estimated to animisme and dinamisme.

A. Kutai Kingdom

Yupa Kutai

Kingdom Kutai or the kingdom of Kutai Martadipura (Martapura) is a Hindu kingdom who stood around the 4th century AD in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan. It is estimated Kutai kingdom is the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. The kingdom was founded by Kudungga. Presumably he has not embraced Hinduism.

The most important legacy is the kingdom of Kutai Inscription Yupa 7, with the letter Pallawa and Sanskrit, from the 4th century AD. One Yupa said that "the Maharaja had a son named Kundunga Aswawarman is equated with Ansuman (Sun God). Aswawarman have three sons. The most prominent is Mulawarman. "One of the inscriptions also mention the word Waprakeswara the shrine of Lord Shiva.

B. Kingdom of Tarumanegara

insciription of tarumanegara

Tarumanegara kingdom in West Java, about the same time the kingdom of Kutai. Tarumanegara kingdom founded by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman in 358, which was then succeeded by his son, Dharmayawarman (382-395). Tarumanegara Purnawarman Maharaja is the third king (395-434 AD). According to the inscription on the monument in 417 he ordered the excavation along the river Gomati and Candrabaga spear 6112 (approximately 11 km).

Of royal Tarumanegara found as many as seven pieces of the inscription. Five are found in areas of Bogor. One was found in the village of Monument, Jakarta and another one found in the village Lebak, South Jakarta.

C. Sriwijaya Kingdom

temple muara takus

Srivijaya was a Buddhist kingdom patterned. The first king named Jaya Sri Naga, while the most famous king Raja Bala is the Son of GodIts strategic location in the Strait of Malacca (​​Palembang) which is the shipping lanes and trade internasional.The condition Sumatra Island and the surrounding nature in the 7th century in contrast to the present. Most of the newly formed east coast later. Therefore the island of Sumatra is narrower when compared to the present, otherwise the Straits of Malacca is wider and longer. Several factors are driving the development of a kingdom of Srivijaya kingdom are as follows.

The progress of trade activities between India and China across the strait of Malacca, thus bringing great benefits to the Srivijaya. The collapse of the kingdom of Funan in South Vietnam from Cambodia's royal attack provides an opportunity for growth as the country's maritime Srivijaya (sarwajala) that during the 6th century held by the kingdom of Funan.

D. Kingdom of Mataram

temple of mataram

Mataram kingdom known from inscriptions Canggal which dates to 732 AD, written in letters Pallawa and Sanskrit. In the inscription mentioned that in the beginning of Java (Yawadwipa) was ruled by King Sanna. After he died Sanjaya ascend to the throne in his stead. Sanjaya is the son Sannaha (sister of Sanna).

Move to the Mataram kingdom in East Java.
Pu Sindok who served as mahamantri i hino in the reign of King Wawa to move the administrative center of East Java. In the year 929 AD, Pu Sindok ascended the throne with the title of Sri Sri Maharaja Rakai Isana Wikramadharmattunggadewa Hino. He founded a new dynasty, the dynasty Isana. Pu Sindok ruled until 947. Successors can be known from inscriptions issued by Airlangga, namely Calcutta Inscription

E. Kediri Kingdom

temple of kediri kingdom

At the end of his reign Airlangga difficulty in appointing his successor, for the crown princess named Sanggramawijaya refused to replace the king. He chose to become a hermit. Then handed over to the throne two sons, namely Jayengrana and Jayawarsa. To avoid disputes between them, then the kingdom for the assistance of two Pu Barada is Kahuripan Jenggala with its capital and its capital Panjalu Daha (Kadiri)

Until half a century since resigned Airlangga nothing can be known from the kingdom. Then just Kadiri who showed his political activities. The first king who appears in the stage of history was Sri Jayawarsa with inscriptions which dates to 1104 AD

F. Kingdom of Singasari

temple of singasari

Singasari kingdom was founded by Ken Arok. In the book of Ken Arok Pararaton described as a thief and robber that powerful, so it becomes a fugitive army Tumapel. After getting the help of a Brahmin, Ken Arok can serve Akuwu (regent) in Tumapel Ametung called stumps. After successfully killing the stumps Ametung, Ken Arok succeeded him as ruler Tumapel. He also makes Ken Dedes, stumps Ametung wife, as queen. At that time Tumapel still under the control of the kingdom of Kadiri.

When he feels have sufficient power, Ken Arok seeks to break away from Kadiri. In 1222 Ken Arok killed Kertajaya, last king of Kadiri. He then ascended the throne as king Singasari and establish a new dynasty which Girinda Dynasty

G. Majapahit Kingdom

kingdom of majapahit

After Kertanegara killed by Jayakatwang, 1292. Raden Wijaya Kertanegara son fled to Madura to enlist the help of Arya Wiraraja, Sumenep district. On the advice Arya Wiraraja, Raden Wijaya surrendered to Jayakatwang. To the security of the Arya Wiraraja, Raden Wijaya accepted and allowed to clear forest which is near Pull the Brantas River. With the help of Madurese, clearing Pull opened and was named Majapahit.

Then came the Tartar troops sent by the emperor Kublai Khan to punish the king of Java. Although already know Kertanegara dead, Tartar army insists will punish the king of Java. It is used by Raden Wijaya to get revenge on Jayakatwang. Jayakatwang successfully destroyed. At the time of the Tartar army was about to return harbor, Raden Wijaya destroy tentaraTartar, Having managed to drive the Tartars, Raden Wijaya was crowned King of Majapahit with Kertarajasa Jayawardhana Sri degree in 1293.
READ MORE - Empire That Ever Existed in Indonesia

President of The Ever Reigning Indonesia

Indonesia ever reigning

1. Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno

The first president was Dr. Ir. H. Sukarno. Ruled from 1945-1966. Born in Blitar, East Java, on June 6, 1901. Obtained his Ir. (Engineers) in THS (Technishe Hoogeschool) bandung, now ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology). He managed to formulate and establish the doctrine Marhaenism PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia) on July 4, 1927.

first president of indonesia

On 17Agustus 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. After making the nation to unite Indonesia, he tried to gather the nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America in the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung in 1955, is now expanding into Gerakan Non Blok.

Soekarno ceased to be president after a very severe political crisis engulfing the government of Indonesia. Through Supersemar (Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret) 1966, handing power to Soeharto Soekarno. Sukarno died on Sunday, June 21, 1970 at the Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Jakarta. His body was buried in Blitar, East Java.

2. Jenderal TNI H. M. Soeharto

second president of indonesia

The second President RI is Jenderal TNI. H.M. Soeharto. Ruled from 1966-1998. Born in Kemusuk, Argamulya, Yogyakarta on June 8, 1921. Completed the NCO School (1941) in Gombong, Central Java. Officially became a member of TNI on October 5, 1945. Commander Mandala / Liberation of West Irian (1962-1963), and became commander of Kostrad. Because of his services in crushing rebellion G 30 S / PKI (1965-1966), then on July 1, 1966 to obtain the rank of General of the Army Commander. On March 12, 1967 became acting president, and on March 27, 1968 was inaugurated as president by the MPRS On March 29, 1973 General Session reappoint Suharto became president. Then successively set to be the single presidential candidate RI in 1978-1983, 1983-1988, 1988-1993, and 1993-198. In the last stipulation severely criticized by the scholars and universities. Surrender his post to B.J. Habibie, who was then serving as vice president. Having no president, the people demanded that Soeharto 'trial' because when the power is considered abuse of authority available to it. H. M Suharto died in Jakarta on January 27, 2008.

3. Prof.Dr.Ing. B.J. Habibie

third president of indonesia

The third President RI is . Dr. Ing. B.J. Habibie. Ruled since May 21 1998-20 October 1999. Born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi dated June 25, 1936. Completing high school and university in Bandung. School in the ITB was discontinued after obtaining a scholarship at the Technische Hochehule, Achen, Germany, and graduated cum laude for aircraft construction department as Dipl.Ing. in 1960. In 1965, he earned his Doctor Ing. summa cum laude with. He became Vice President and Director of Technology Messerschmitt Boelkow Blohm, an aircraft industry in Hamburg, Germany.

The success of education is called upon to make his return to Indonesia by President Soeharto in 1974. Subsequently he held various important positions, including as an adviser to the president of Indonesia, led the Division of Advance Technologi Pertamina (BPPT), pioneered the aircraft industry in Bandung. He successfully made the first airplane Indonesia CN 235. Minister for Research and Technology, Director of IPTN, president director of PT PAL, BPPT Chairman, Vice-President, and others.

Prof.Dr.Ing. B.J. President Habibie resigned on October 20, 1999 after his accountability speech was not accepted by the General Assembly in 1999

4. K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid

President fourth of Indonesia

President of the RI-4 is K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid. Born in Jombang August 14, 1940. Abdurrahman Wahid, who had an education up to graduation at Al-Azhar University, Egypt and also the founder of the Democracy Forum is to be president after the presidential election on October 20, 1999. Formerly known as the chairman of the PB NU  Indonesia. Led cabinet called the Kabinet Persatuan Nasional. In the course of his service, the cabinet is often received sharp criticism from the public and even the case-dismissal dismissal or resignation of several ministers for different missions with the president.

Although known as the president who confuses people because of his words, but he also recognized a lot to make bold steps. In his reign, the territory of Indonesia turned into 32 provinces, and the presentation of the wealth distribution-center better than the previous government. Quit as president of Indonesia after the MPR rejected responsibility for the special session that did not attend.

5. Megawati Sukarnoputri

4th President Indonesia

5th President of the RI is Dyah Permata Megawati Sukarnoputri Setyawati born in Yogyakarta January 23, 1946. Megawati sworn in as president on July 23, 2001, replacing Abdurrahman Wahid, who declined to give an account before the Special Session of the Assembly. Been studying in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pajajaran (1965-1967) and the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (1970-1972) and was discontinued a few years.

Megawati became president of the increase is supported by the majority faction of the DPR / MPR, although previously had been a difference of views on whether women should be president in Indonesia. Megawati is known as a true nationalist is consistent with the attitudes and actions while maintaining the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which almost disintegrate. Megawati was appointed president by the TAP MPR  No. RI. III/MPR/2001, replacing Abdurrahman Wahid was sworn in as of the presidency until the completion of RI 1999/2004.

6. Jenderal Purnawirawan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

President of Indonesia 6

6th President of the RI is Jenderal Purnawirawan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, more popularly abbreviated as SBY was born in Pacitan, East Java, on September 9, 1949. He election of a new chapter in the RI constitution because he was the only president elected directly by the people. SBY complete the military academy in 1973 with the rank of second lieutenant. At the time of military education abroad had studied in the field of management that holds a Master of Arts.

Lived military career from the platoon commander in the Infantry Brigade Linut 17 Kujang I Kostrad Promotion Company Commander to Battalion Commander. In fact, in the army once believed to UN Peacekeeping Contingent Commander in Bosnia Herzegovina with the rank of Brigadier General. Experience has lived territorial tasks ranging from Military Commander 072/Pamungkas Yogjakarta, Kosdam Jaya, up to the Regional Military Commander II / Sriwijaya with the rank of Major General. Scientific activities and relationships in the form of seminars and training has been followed in many countries. Career as a professional soldier for 27 years with the rank of General and holding not less than 13 honors from both the government of Indonesia and foreign countries and international institutions. Career in government, among others Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Affairs (Menko Polsoskam) 200-2004 years.
READ MORE - President of The Ever Reigning Indonesia

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Indonesia's National Anthem

indonesia raya

Wage Rudolf Supratman is the author of the national anthem of Indonesia, "Indonesia Raya" and Indonesia's national heroes. Supratman was born in Jatinegara, Batavia

Soepratman birthday, March 9, by Megawati as RI president, was inaugurated as the National Music Day.

WR Supratman at that time became interested in the national movement and a lot of hanging out with figures of the movement. Resentment against Dutch colonialism started to grow and finally contained in the book Virgin Village. The book was seized and banned by the Dutch government.

Soepratman get music lessons from her brother-namely Willem van Eldik, so good at playing the violin and then to compose songs. When living in Jakarta, on one occasion he read an article in the magazine arose. The author's essay challenging Indonesia music experts to create a song kebangsaan.Soepratman challenged, and began composing songs. In 1924 was born the song Indonesia Raya, at that time he was in London and at the age of 21 years.

In October 1928 the Youth Congress held in Jakarta II. create Sumpah Pemuda congress. On the closing night of the Congress, dated October 28, 1928, Soepratman play his songs are instrumental in the front of the public participants (in instrumental with violin over Soegondo suggestions relating to the conditions and circumstances at the time, see Sugondo Djojopuspito). It was then that for the first time Indonesia Raya song echoed in public. All present astonished to hear it. Soon the song was popular among the national movement. If the political parties held a congress, the Indonesia Raya song always be sung. The song embodies a sense of unity and desire for independence.

After Indonesia gained its independence, the song used as the national anthem Indonesia Raya, a symbol of national unity. However, the creator of the song, Wage Roedolf ​​Soepratman, did not get to enjoy living in an atmosphere of freedom.

As a result of creating a song Indonesia Raya, he always hunted by the police the Dutch East Indies, until he fell ill in Surabaya. Because the last of his songs "Sunrise," in early August 1938, he was arrested when the broadcast of the song with the scout-scout in NIROM Jalan Embong Malang, Surabaya and detained in prison Kalisosok, Surabaya. He died on August 17, 1938 due to illness.

In Indonesia's national anthem, also indicates a belief that our minds to be instilled with the spirit of love that Indonesia is not easy to get and win from colonialism. The spirit of interest was also shown to bring Indonesia into a country that is recognized by other nations. Although venture deep into the country, Indonesia should go back and build toward a loved one a civilized nation. Recognize Indonesia as their own home
READ MORE - The Indonesia's National Anthem

Garuda Pancasila Symbolism

indonesia's symbolism

The garuda bird adjacent to the eagle hawk. These birds are the paintings in the temples of Dieng are depicted as a human being beaked and winged, and in the Prambanan temple, and shaped like a giant Panataran, beak, claws and long hair.

 Garuda is a bird that lives in a fantasy world, especially in the puppet. Garuda is considered noble because it has the strength and beauty in appearance. So many are using it in a variety of activities which he considered would indicate a power and freedom for free eagles can fly anywhere.

Eagle established as the symbol of the State of RI since its use was inaugurated on February 11, 1950, and stipulated in Government Regulation No. 66 of 1951. Originator is Sultan Abd Hamid II Alkadrie known as Sultan Hamid II, who was a Minister of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS).

creator garuda indonesia

When the United States of Indonesia was formed, he was appointed Minister of State Zonder Porto Folio and minister of state for the post of President Soekarno was assigned to plan, design and formulate a state symbol image.

AG Pringgodigdo in his book "About Pancasila" published by Ministry of defense, Armed Forces History Centre said the design work of the state emblem of Sultan Hamid II was inaugurated RIS use in Cabinet meetings. When the eagle's head forms an image of Garuda Pancasila was "Bald" and "tuft" as a form today.

This is the work of children's country of nationality is mixed from a variety of aspirations and then designed by a young nation, Sultan Hamid II Minister of RIS. President Sukarno then introduced for the first time the country's emblem to the public at the Hotel Des Indes Jakarta on February 15, 1950.

Completion of return will continue to be the symbol of the country. Bird head eagle Garuda Pancasila "Bald" to "tuft" is done. Form a gripping claw foot ribbon of the original rear-facing to forward facing also improved, the input of President Sukarno.

garuda like eagle

Dated March 20, 1940, the final form of the symbol images that have been corrected had the disposition of President Sukarno, who then commanded the court painter, Dullah, to draw back the draft according to the final form of the draft RIS Minister Sultan Hamid II who used officially until today.

For the last time, Sultan Hamid II completed the final form of image refinement symbol of the state, is to increase the size scale and full color images in which the state emblem authentic paintings submitted to the H Masagung, Idayu Foundation Jakarta on July 18, 1974. While the State Emblem there is the disposition of President Sukarno and state symbol pictures pictures submitted to the President at the beginning of February 1950 is still kept by the Palace Kadriyah Pontianak.
READ MORE - Garuda Pancasila Symbolism

Language Unity of Indonesia

Unity Indonesia

Indonesian is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia and the language of national unity of Indonesia. Indonesian opened in Indonesia after the Declaration of Independence, exactly a day later, along with the entry into force of the constitution. In East Timor, the Indonesian language is the language of work (working language).

From the standpoint of linguistika, the Indonesian language is a variant of Malay language. The basis used is the Malay language from the 19th century, but experienced growth due to its use as a working language and the standardization process at the beginning of the 20th century. Until now, the Indonesian language is the language of life, which continues to produce new words, either through the creation or absorption of local languages ​​and foreign languages.

Although currently understood by more than 90% of Indonesia, the Indonesian language does not occupy a position as a mother tongue for the majority of the population. Most of the citizens of Indonesia as a native language speaking regions. Indonesian speaker often uses everyday version (kolokial) and / or mixing with other Malay dialect or native language. However, the Indonesian language is widely used in universities, in newspapers, electronic media, software, official correspondence, and various other public forums so that it can be said that Indonesian is used by all citizens of Indonesia.

Phonology and grammar of Indonesian are considered relatively easy. The basics are important for basic communication can be studied only within a few weeks.

Indonesian language is a variant of Malay, an Austronesian language that is used as a lingua franca of the archipelago possibility since the early centuries of the modern calendar.

Srivijaya kingdom (from the 7th century AD) using the Malay language (as the Old Malay) as the state language. It is known from four adjacent old inscription found in Sumatra, the southern part of the kingdom it. At that time the use studded Malay loan words from Sanskrit. As the ruler of the trade in these islands (archipelago), the trader makes a trade of people forced to use the Malay language, albeit less than perfect. This gave rise to a variety of local and temporal variants, commonly called Malay Market by researchers. The discovery of the Old Malay inscriptions in Central Java (dates to the 9th century) and in the near Bogor (Bogor inscription) from the 10th century showed a spread of the use of this language in Java. Copper pieces were found in Laguna near Manila, Luzon Island, dates to 900 AD also showed linkage region with Srivijaya.

Linguistic study of a number of texts indicate that there are at least two dialects of Old Malay language used on the adjacent. Unfortunately, the Old Malay language does not leave a note in the form of literature though reports from China claimed that the Buddhist Srivijaya have a quality education.

In the 15th century developed a form which is considered a form of Malay as the official language used by the Sultanate of Malacca, which was later called as a High Malay. Its use is limited among the royal families around Sumatra, Java and the Malay Peninsula. Alfred Russel Wallace wrote in the Malay Archipelago that "the inhabitants of Malacca have had a language of its own that comes from the most elegant way of speaking of other countries, so that the language of the Malays are the most beautiful, precise, and praised throughout the East. Language they is a language spoken throughout the Netherlands East Indies. " Furthermore, Jan van Linschoten Huyghen, in the book Itinerario ("Journey") of his work, wrote that "Malacca is a gathering place for fishermen from different countries. They then create a city and develop their own language, with words that take the best of everything language around them. City of Malacca, due to a favorable position, being the major airports in the southeast Asia region, which is called the Malay language became the language of the most polite and most fit among the languages ​​of the Far East. "

The first Indonesian Language Congress has determined that Indonesian comes from the Malay language, as well as other allied countries such as Malaysia recognizes that the standard Malay is Malay Riau-Johor.
READ MORE - Language Unity of Indonesia

About Indonesian Flag

White Red Flag

Flag of the Republic of Indonesia, which are briefly referred to the Flag State, is the Red and White. State flag of the Red and White rectangular with width 2/3 (two-thirds) of the length and the top red and bottom white both halves of the same size.

Red and white colors taken from the state flag of the Kingdom of Majapahit. Actually not only the kingdom of Majapahit who wore red and white flag as a symbol of greatness. Before the Majapahit kingdom Kediri been wearing red and white pennants and other royal kingdom. Later, the colors are turned back by the students and later the nationalists in the early 20th century as an expression of nationalism against the Dutch. Red and white flag is used for the first time in Java in 1928. Under colonial rule, the flag was banned from use. It was adopted as the national flag on August 17, 1945, when independence was declared and has been used since then as well

The flag of Indonesia has a philosophical meaning. Red means the bold, white means pure. Red symbolizes the human body, while white symbolizes the human soul. Both are complementary and perfect for Indonesia. In terms of history, from ancient days both red and white color implies a saint. The red color is similar to the color of brown sugar / brown sugar and white color similar to rice. Both of these materials is the main ingredient in the cuisines of Indonesia, especially in Java. When the victorious kingdom of Majapahit in the archipelago, the color of the banner used are red and white (white banners brother). According to the equality of his position as the national flag, the flag is similar to the flag of Monaco, which has the same color but different ratios, but it is also similar to the flag of Poland flag which has the same color but the color is inverted.

white and red flag

Raising and / or installation of the State Flag made on the time between sunrise to sun set. From certain circumstances, can be done at night shall be flown at the State .Flag every nation Indonesia's Independence Day on August 17 by a citizen who mastered home use rights, or office buildings, educational units, public transport and private transport in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Indonesia representative office abroad

Sang Saka Merah Putih is the nickname of honor to the flag of Indonesia. At first, this designation is intended for the flag that was flown on August 17, 1945 at 56 East Pegangsaan Road, London, when the Proclamation implemented. But then in general use, the Saka addressed to each Red and White flag is flown in every flag ceremony.

Inheritance flag made by Mrs. Fatmawati, the wife of President Sukarno, in 1944. Japanese cotton flag (there is also a flag that says the material is from the London wool obtained from a Japanese. This material is when it is used specifically to make the flags of the world because it is famous for its durability) measuring 276 x 200 cm. From 1946 to 1968, the flag is only flown on each anniversary of the independence of Indonesia. Since 1969, the flag was never flown again and until now kept at the State Palace. The flag was torn in two ends, torn white tip is 12 X 42 cm. Red end of the tear of 15x 47 cm. Then there are the holes-small holes due to fungal and insect bites, spots of brown, black, and white. Because for too long folded, the folds that were torn and faded colors around the pleats. After 1969, who hoisted and flown on the anniversary of the independence of Indonesia is a duplicate flag made of silk. Also co-presented a flag heritage but he only 'witness' of the storage box.
READ MORE - About Indonesian Flag

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Indonesia's Independence Day

Independence Day of Indonesia

Indonesia has experienced a long period of colonialism. Indonesia had occupied for more than 350 years by the Dutch. But when World War II occurred, in March 1942 the Dutch surrender to Japanese rule.

Japan at that time was starting its invasion throughout Southeast Asia. Country's desire to dominate Asia and also get Indonesia, which at that time still called the Dutch East Indies, as it has many natural resources that are useful for his industry and capital needs for the war. In March 1942, having previously managed to master the various cities in the Netherlands East Indies, Japan, through negotiations on the Mat, a Dutch East Indies from the Dutch. The Netherlands lost Dutch East Indies in less than 3 months due to lack of strength of defense possessed by the colonial government.

With the Japanese mastered the Dutch East Indies, Indonesia entered a new phase of life. Japan's ambition is to win the war and unite into a single entity, namely Asia Greater East Asia led to the Indonesian people exploited all-out, particularly in terms of natural resources, namely oil and metals, for 3.5 years in power. Japan finally surrendered to the Allies after the Americans dropped the atomic bomb to the two cities in Japan that is dated August 6, 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. With Japan's surrender to the Allies, the youths Indonesia saw an opportunity and then forcing Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence immediately. Both proclaimer was originally not approved the proposal so that the young men on August 16, 1945 they were taken to Rengasdengklok. In this Rengasdengklok two men were urged by the young men to agree to declare independence as soon as possible. Having previously insisted his views, Bung Karno finally agreed to proclaim the independence of Indonesia on the next day because the view conditions there and urging the youth.

Friday, August 17, 1945, Sukarno's residence located at Pegangsaan East. 56 Jakarta, which also coincided with Ramadan, Bung Karno, who was accompanied by Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's Independence. Reading of the proclamation of a milestone this nation's founding. Of the colonized nations became an independent nation.

Independence for Indonesia itself has a very large. Indonesia is no longer a "cork floats Dutch place", no longer a Japanese exploitation field. Indonesia is no longer a colony. Indonesia are free to set his own life, free to determine their own destiny. Not tied to any nation. This independence is a culmination of all the efforts of freedom fighters. Even so, we still must continue the struggle of the heroes who willingly sacrificed and died to bring Indonesia gained independence.
READ MORE - Indonesia's Independence Day

What is Indonesia (part 2)

about indonesia

Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, every ethnic heritage that has evolved over the centuries, influenced by Indian culture, Arabic, Chinese, European, and including his own, namely the Malay culture.

shadow puppet
wayang kulit

Examples of traditional Javanese and Balinese dances have a cultural aspect and Hindu mythology, such as shadow puppets ( wayang kulit ) featuring the stories of Ramayana and Hindu mythological events Baratayuda. Many dance that contains the values ​​of Islam. Some of them can be found in areas such as Sumatra like dance Ratéb Meuseukat and dance Seudati of Aceh. The art of verse, couplets, and so on from various regions such as the Malay quatrain, and other rhymes more often used in certain occasions the event, performing arts, and others.

traditional songket
songket clothes

In the field of fashion heritage is known throughout the world of batik. Some of the area known for its industry batik like Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pekalongan. Batik was also claimed by other countries with batik industry. The original dress Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke other identifiable characteristics of the subject in every other area between the brackets with clothes songket of West Sumatra (Minangkabau), North Sumatera ulos fabric (Batak), kebaya dress, fashion typical Dayak in Kalimantan, clothes bodo from South Sulawesi, clothing koteka of Papua and so on.

madura island
karapan sapi

Traditional sports include sepak takraw and karapan sapi in Madura island. In regions with a history of tribal warfare, fighting contests are held, such as cacidi Flores, Sumba and Pasola. Pencak silat is a unique martial art originating from the territory of Indonesia. This martial art is sometimes displayed at events that are usually followed by performances of traditional music of Indonesia gamelan music and other traditional arts according to region of origin

traditional music

Every province in Indonesia has traditional music with its own trademark. Traditional music as well keroncong originating from Portuguese descent in the Monument, Jakartawhich is known by all the people of Indonesia even to foreign countries. There is also a popular music in Indonesia, known as dangdut is the music wing of modern Malay-influenced by Indian music dangdut music that is very different from the actual Malay traditional music, like music Deli Malay, Malay, and so forth. Traditional musical instrument which is typical of Indonesia has many varieties from various regions in Indonesia, but many traditional musical instruments from Indonesia 'stolen' by other countries for the benefit of the addition of culture and art of music it self by copyright patenting art and culture of Indonesia. Indonesian traditional musical instruments include the following:

mammals indonesia

Indonesia region has a high diversity of living things, so by some of the areas of ecology Indonesia called the "Mega biodiversity" or "high diversity of living things" commonly known as Indomalaya or Malesia according to a study that 10 percent of plants, 12 percent of mammals, 16 percent of reptiles, 17 percent of birds, 25 percent of the fish in the world live in Indonesia, but widespread Indonesia only 1.3% of the Earth. Wealth of living Indonesia ranks third after Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
READ MORE - What is Indonesia (part 2)

What is Indonesia (part 1)

what is indonesia

Republic of Indonesia or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic nation made ​​up of 13 487 islands, so he is also known as Nusantara. With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest Muslim country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic form of government and the nation's capital is Jakarta. Indonesia borders Malaysia on Borneo island, with Papua New Guinea on New Guinea and East Timor on the island of Timor. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India.

Garuda Indonesia

Indonesia archipelago became an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when the Srivijaya Kingdom of Palembang in religion and trade relations with China and India. Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms have evolved in the early centuries AD, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European powers fought one another to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. Once under the authority of the Netherlands, called the Dutch East Indies Indonesia declared its independence at the end of World War II.
Unity in Diversity
From Sabang to MeraukeIndonesia consists of various ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest ethnic group and most politically dominant. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" ("It varies, but remains one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Besides having a dense population and vast territory, Indonesia has a natural area that supports the second largest biodiversity in the world. Indonesia is also a member of the United Nations. In addition to the United Nations, Indonesia is also a member of ASEAN, APEC, OIC, G-20 and will be a member of the OECD.

The word "Indonesia" is derived from the Latin Indus, meaning "Ocean" and the Greek nesosyang means "island". So, says Indonesia means the territory of the Indian islands, or archipelago located in the Indies, which indicates that the name was formed long before Indonesia became a sovereign state.
READ MORE - What is Indonesia (part 1)