Thursday, August 16, 2012

Empire That Ever Existed in Indonesia

the temple of indonesia

Hinduism and Buddhism came from India. Both religions are entered and embraced by residents in different areas of the archipelago at the same time, around the fourth century, together with the beginnings of trade relations between Indonesia and India and China. Before the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism in Indonesia, Indonesia's population is estimated to animisme and dinamisme.

A. Kutai Kingdom

Yupa Kutai

Kingdom Kutai or the kingdom of Kutai Martadipura (Martapura) is a Hindu kingdom who stood around the 4th century AD in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan. It is estimated Kutai kingdom is the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. The kingdom was founded by Kudungga. Presumably he has not embraced Hinduism.

The most important legacy is the kingdom of Kutai Inscription Yupa 7, with the letter Pallawa and Sanskrit, from the 4th century AD. One Yupa said that "the Maharaja had a son named Kundunga Aswawarman is equated with Ansuman (Sun God). Aswawarman have three sons. The most prominent is Mulawarman. "One of the inscriptions also mention the word Waprakeswara the shrine of Lord Shiva.

B. Kingdom of Tarumanegara

insciription of tarumanegara

Tarumanegara kingdom in West Java, about the same time the kingdom of Kutai. Tarumanegara kingdom founded by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman in 358, which was then succeeded by his son, Dharmayawarman (382-395). Tarumanegara Purnawarman Maharaja is the third king (395-434 AD). According to the inscription on the monument in 417 he ordered the excavation along the river Gomati and Candrabaga spear 6112 (approximately 11 km).

Of royal Tarumanegara found as many as seven pieces of the inscription. Five are found in areas of Bogor. One was found in the village of Monument, Jakarta and another one found in the village Lebak, South Jakarta.

C. Sriwijaya Kingdom

temple muara takus

Srivijaya was a Buddhist kingdom patterned. The first king named Jaya Sri Naga, while the most famous king Raja Bala is the Son of GodIts strategic location in the Strait of Malacca (​​Palembang) which is the shipping lanes and trade internasional.The condition Sumatra Island and the surrounding nature in the 7th century in contrast to the present. Most of the newly formed east coast later. Therefore the island of Sumatra is narrower when compared to the present, otherwise the Straits of Malacca is wider and longer. Several factors are driving the development of a kingdom of Srivijaya kingdom are as follows.

The progress of trade activities between India and China across the strait of Malacca, thus bringing great benefits to the Srivijaya. The collapse of the kingdom of Funan in South Vietnam from Cambodia's royal attack provides an opportunity for growth as the country's maritime Srivijaya (sarwajala) that during the 6th century held by the kingdom of Funan.

D. Kingdom of Mataram

temple of mataram

Mataram kingdom known from inscriptions Canggal which dates to 732 AD, written in letters Pallawa and Sanskrit. In the inscription mentioned that in the beginning of Java (Yawadwipa) was ruled by King Sanna. After he died Sanjaya ascend to the throne in his stead. Sanjaya is the son Sannaha (sister of Sanna).

Move to the Mataram kingdom in East Java.
Pu Sindok who served as mahamantri i hino in the reign of King Wawa to move the administrative center of East Java. In the year 929 AD, Pu Sindok ascended the throne with the title of Sri Sri Maharaja Rakai Isana Wikramadharmattunggadewa Hino. He founded a new dynasty, the dynasty Isana. Pu Sindok ruled until 947. Successors can be known from inscriptions issued by Airlangga, namely Calcutta Inscription

E. Kediri Kingdom

temple of kediri kingdom

At the end of his reign Airlangga difficulty in appointing his successor, for the crown princess named Sanggramawijaya refused to replace the king. He chose to become a hermit. Then handed over to the throne two sons, namely Jayengrana and Jayawarsa. To avoid disputes between them, then the kingdom for the assistance of two Pu Barada is Kahuripan Jenggala with its capital and its capital Panjalu Daha (Kadiri)

Until half a century since resigned Airlangga nothing can be known from the kingdom. Then just Kadiri who showed his political activities. The first king who appears in the stage of history was Sri Jayawarsa with inscriptions which dates to 1104 AD

F. Kingdom of Singasari

temple of singasari

Singasari kingdom was founded by Ken Arok. In the book of Ken Arok Pararaton described as a thief and robber that powerful, so it becomes a fugitive army Tumapel. After getting the help of a Brahmin, Ken Arok can serve Akuwu (regent) in Tumapel Ametung called stumps. After successfully killing the stumps Ametung, Ken Arok succeeded him as ruler Tumapel. He also makes Ken Dedes, stumps Ametung wife, as queen. At that time Tumapel still under the control of the kingdom of Kadiri.

When he feels have sufficient power, Ken Arok seeks to break away from Kadiri. In 1222 Ken Arok killed Kertajaya, last king of Kadiri. He then ascended the throne as king Singasari and establish a new dynasty which Girinda Dynasty

G. Majapahit Kingdom

kingdom of majapahit

After Kertanegara killed by Jayakatwang, 1292. Raden Wijaya Kertanegara son fled to Madura to enlist the help of Arya Wiraraja, Sumenep district. On the advice Arya Wiraraja, Raden Wijaya surrendered to Jayakatwang. To the security of the Arya Wiraraja, Raden Wijaya accepted and allowed to clear forest which is near Pull the Brantas River. With the help of Madurese, clearing Pull opened and was named Majapahit.

Then came the Tartar troops sent by the emperor Kublai Khan to punish the king of Java. Although already know Kertanegara dead, Tartar army insists will punish the king of Java. It is used by Raden Wijaya to get revenge on Jayakatwang. Jayakatwang successfully destroyed. At the time of the Tartar army was about to return harbor, Raden Wijaya destroy tentaraTartar, Having managed to drive the Tartars, Raden Wijaya was crowned King of Majapahit with Kertarajasa Jayawardhana Sri degree in 1293.

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